Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Elegance of the Hedgehog/ Muriel Barbery:

add it to your reading list!

"Thinking back on it, this evening with my heart and my stomach all like jelly, I have finally concluded maybe that's what life is about: there's a lot of despair, but also the odd moment of beauty, where time is no longer the same. It's as if those strains of music created a sort of interlude in time, something suspended, an elsewhere that has come to us, an always within never.

Yes, that's it, an always within never.

Because from now on, for you, I'll be searching for those moments of always within never.

Beauty in this world."

MGMT June 20, 2010/ congratulations collage

Here, you focus...

he's gonna listen to his soul...
somewhere there's an honest soul...
so turn it on, tune it in, and stay inert
die wolken drifting blinding smiling circling (einkreisen) poisoned honey/ pseudo science/ silly money/ you're my honey

Hey I found a whistle that hangs like a charm
but speaks without even knowing and streams outside in the direction of truth

but someone might still eat the steaks, but something might spit out the bait...take it within and hope the sight of blood can will signs of life to return, to keep on quietly reminding you what's never created or destroyed

Soul searching, I followed sounds to humanize by ambient light

I'll keep your dreams

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Omnidirectional Thoughts #1-10:

1 e.e. cummings "i thank you god"
2 Zen Buddhist story of the oak tree
3 obrigada/o
4 your wish is my command
5 e.e. cummings "love is a place"
6 The Gift of PRESENCE
7 affirmations from The Secret
8 partagez votre Univers
9 Queen Anne's Lace
10 "the earth laughs in flowers"

Omnidirectional Thoughts are an experiment in sharing and spreading positive thinking. Pick one up at Brewed Cafe on Brady Street.

Brewed Cafe

Collages on sale now at Brewed Cafe on Brady Street!


Home. (It's where I want to be)

Sunday, July 4, 2010

French vocab lesson/ Maupassant

Unusual and beautiful French from Magnétisme by Guy de Maupassant to scintillate the senses and tantalize the tongue:

un songe
songeur, -euse

dévergondage d'idées


un attrait langoureux

elle éveilla chez moi (verb éveiller)

Vous avez tous fait de ces rêves singuliers, n'est-ce pas, qui vous rendent maîtres de l'impossible, qui vous ouvrent des portes infranchissables, des joies inespérées, des bras impénétrables?

des spasmes fougueux

son étreinte autour des reins


search the words: dictionnaire.tv5.org


Thursday, July 1, 2010

Camille/ ta douleur

Beautiful Camille dans la Rue de Ménilmontant

Je rêve à toi
à mes heures perdues
hélas à ma porte ce matin
la rue est morte

L'hôtel est coi
les volets rabattus
dans la cour d'école
un peu plus loin
les oiseaux se sont tus

Je rêve à toi
à mes heures perdues
si j'en crois la poste ce matin
tu ne reviendras plus

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